My Intentions...
My Intention is to help people understand their sexuality in a way that gives them freedom, higher wisdom and healing. I bring the ancient teachings from around the world to nurture, love and heal with the highest good for people everywhere. Happiness is contagious, so if I can help bring peace harmony and joy to people's lives, I am doing my job here.
For thousands of years, people have suffered from sexual abuse, harm and slavery due to sexual, spiritual ignorance. I wish to help people release this pain and suffering so that their lives may change.
In my hands, I welcome you to feel safe, to feel a renewed sense of sexual expression, to let go of the old useless blocks that have kept you back and held you down and also held you back from your true potential and power.
These teaching and healings are about advancing the human race to align with their sexual power AND spirit. We are here to re-learn how amazing it feels to live a life away from shame and suffering. We have forgotten how to connect with ourselves and our intimate partners because the world is at such a fast pace and our minds are constantly busy. What these practices show us is that we must get back into our heart. The heart is our truth. Our heart must be connected to our roots. To love without expectations, to love without attachment that binds us and to master our minds and egos so that we may LISTEN TO OUR HEARTS AND INTUITION.
Within these healings, I simply teach women and men heal spiritually, mentally and energetically. I assist people with orgasmic therapy, letting you understand the benefits of orgasmic realignment for health and happiness.
Allow me to welcome you into a new world where you are free to express yourself sexually, to be taken care of in sessions that consist of diverse modalities of healing touch, sound, vibration and intentional therapies.
As you have noticed, there are different categories in my sessions for you to combine to create what is best for you, from the simple session of tea and chat, to an advancement of healing types to fit your needs. Below, I will define for your better understanding, the journeys that you will be taken on when in my care... In regards to boundaries, we do not offer sex, or full service. No GF experience or otherwise.
Tea Ceremonies
With the beginning of our session, I have carefully chosen and hand mixed the teas so that I may serve them in ceremonial methods while we talk. It is important that at each start of the sessions, with a conversation about your current concerns or needs in life. With this ceremony, each and every person is treated to a soothing aromatic foot bath.
All tea ceremonies have a choice of medicinal herbal teas that assist in your healing. Suitable for all people, they have properties that are helpful to balance mind and body. The teas I have chosen are thoughtfully mixed and come from a variety of special environments around the world.
I handcraft the chocolates with aphrodisiacs that will get your fire stoked for the session. It is necessary that at least 1 days advance notice is given with deposit for this ceremony. Imagine your goddess walking in with her beautifully created Cacao layout. Fruit and other tantalizing treats to ravish your taste buds and senses artfully put together as you are the King or Queen of the day, completely being taken care of and fed.
1) Get Happy With Cacao : Some days you just need to find your bliss – cacao is one of the healthiest foods, you can consume. Cacao contains the mood improver, anandamide – known as the bliss molecule, which creates a feeling of euphoria.
2) As an aphrodisiac : Another mood-enhancing compound found in cacao is PEA or phenethylamine, which triggers the release of endorphins and pleasurable opium-like neurochemicals. These often release naturally when we fall in love and during sexual activity. (The only other food on earth that contains PEA is blue-green algae.)
3) Balance Hormonal Mood Swings: Cacao boosts brain levels of serotonin, the feel good brain chemical. When women are experiencing PMS serotonin levels drop dramatically. The benefits of cacao are proven to boost the brain levels of calming hormones and restore feelings of well-being.
4) Protect Your Heart and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease: Flavanols an anti-inflammatory and heart protective antioxidant found in raw cacao may protect against cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of stroke, and help improve blood circulation.
Cacao contains over 700 compounds and the complex antioxidants found in it known as polyphenols help reduce ‘bad cholesterol’ and prevent hardening of the arteries.
It is mind boggling to think that no heart drug on the market can come close to the protective benefits of cacao.
5) Cacao can prevent premature aging : polyphenol antioxidants found in cacao belong to the same group of antioxidants as green tea and red wine. These anthocyanins (found in dark colored fruits) and catechins (found in green tea) protect our cells from premature oxidation or destruction and can keep us looking and feeling younger longer.
6) Create loads of energy and combat fatigue: with one of the highest concentrations of magnesium found in this natural food source. Magnesium also helps to protect against osteoporosis, reduces type II diabetes, and lowers blood pressure.
Raw cacao powder (2tbsp) contains 52mg or 14% of daily value
Raw cacao nibs or beans per 100 grams contain 272 mg or 65% of daily value
The recommended RDA’s for Magnesium for a Male are 420mg and 320mg for a Female
The herbal tinctures that I use in these ceremonies are all superfoods. I have an array of choices to help you with anything from stress, anxiety, busy mind, low libido or even heart disconnection. World renowned for their healing properties, these superfoods are a fantastic adage to your journey into self discovery...
Herbal compress therapy
This method of healing originates thousands of years ago in the Indian traditions of Ayurvedic Medicine. Widely accepted in Thailand and neighbouring countries as an integral medicinal and healing technique. I use a combination of various wellknown herbs to help relax the muscles, body in general and soften skin.
Imagine the smell of ginger, lavender, rose, galangal and lemongrass permiating the air, to name a few.
Allow me to create specialized bundles just for you...
Tantra Therapy and Self Mastery
Tantra is balance of mind body spirit. Our sexual energy is powerful and sacred. We must remove ourselves from the obstacles of fear resentment judgement and suffering which have held us back for so long. Through sacred sexual healing I teach you to reconnect with that which unites us all. The basis for my knowledge is mostly Hatha Yoga in regards to the spiritual elements of self mastery.
By removing samskaras (emotional scars) from the body, we can learn to move forward in our life so that we become the best version of us possible. Unfortunately, most people have held onto this heaviness in their life and have not had a chance to get to the root of the issue, therefore releasing them from that ball and chain of emotional memories that hold us back from our highest vibrational life. We must understand or at least heal our sexual ad emotional based trauma. By doing this we learn that we are more efficient in life.
In my sessions, I show people how to respect and love the divine feminine and masculine within. By doing this you understand how to be energetically balanced, henceforth you are more in tune to understand and connect with intimate partner(s). In many cultures, we are suppressed. We need to go deep within and start from the core, to love ourselves by making an effort to take care and heal ourselves so we live a joyous life.
Let me show you a new world of possibility. Step by step, we can change the world and utilize our sexual energy for good.
We all need healing, whether it be from sexual trauma, disassociation with our hearts or lack of understanding due to misinformed early education.
With these sessions you will have a chance to finally open up and relax, to know that you are taken care of and loved without expectation. To know that it's okay to create new boundaries and empower yourself to stand i your POWER.
Closing Ceremonies
These ceremonies are very important at the end of any session. The reason you may ask? When we go so deep into sensative matters, healing wounds that possibly haven't been touched in so long, we need to re group and close the circle of openess so that there is time after to finalize all that has occured. We can be vulnerable and wobbly after sessions of such intensity and it is a priority for me as a healer to take care of you. Closing ceremony is about getting you balanced grounded and finishing with some spiritual bubbling after you leave.
I feel that meditation is an important part of life. It helps us balance our brain hemispheres, nervous system and become masters of our mind so that all of the healing you have chosen to do may be rounded out by such bliss. With these methods, you will leave the session you have attended feeling like you on a whole different level.
These meditation techniques are taught with respect and delicacy involving each and every person I work with.
Information and advice contained on this website should not be used for the purposes of diagnosis or as a substitute for medical advice. Always consult your doctor or healthcare professional before beginning any new treatment.

Details and ingredients available on request.